Create the WellBeauty Atmosphere to keep Customers coming back
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Customized Beauty Meditation & Music for Beauty and Wellness Businesses

Meditation and mindfulness come essential and fundamental elements especially in Beauty and Wellness business area and when you play the right background audio and sounds for your customers, it becomes a competitive tool for your business to stand out, thrive and have more happy, loyal customers.

Just as you put plenty of thought and money into the interior design of your business, business background audio is a perfect tool for creating atmosphere to demonstrate your brand identity and vision, and a positive customer experience to create better customer revisits and sales growth. Businesses such as medical and dental clinics, restaurants, coffee shops, hair/nail salons and spas, retailers offer music to enhance the ambiance of their businesses and entertain their customers.




Engage Customers With The Perfect Playlist Customized For Your Brand


What We Offer

Signature Welcome Meditation

Not all businesses have its own unique audio statement even though they have one of a kind business mission and  philosophy. Remember that the customers chose to come to your space because they sensed and anticipated something valuable and beneficial in your service. We offer Signature Welcome Meditation highlighting your business name and unique vision that the customers can feel that they came to the right place and service and look forward to their next visit. 

Customized Welcome Meditation is a powerful way to establish strong branding that leads to strong brand awareness and loyalty that eventually generate sales and fan-base of your business.

Comfort Meditation

Fear is a normal human response to situations of uncertainty. Customers come to your space not only with positive expectations but with even bigger fear and anxiety towards the procedures or the services at the same time. It could be fear of pain, discomfort, being judged or lack of trust in your service. It is important to truly understand your customers’ real pain points and needs and to show you are aware of it and you care and do what you can to alleviate the tension and discomfort of your customers.  Our Comfort Meditation will deliver the care and understanding you have towards them and prepare your customers for their procedures for the best outcome in the waiting room in a truly soothing and reassuring way.

Beauty Routine Meditation

Beauty Mediation is our unique way to view and implement each and every beauty routine as the opportunity to be as truly mindful experiences that will lead to better skin and better overall outcome. It is a time to remind your customers that their own unique self and beauty need to be deeply appreciated and encourage them to do it  with mindfulness. Beauty routine is one powerful self-care moment to enhance the wellness and open up to beauty of ourselves.

Wellness Educational Meditation (updated regularly)

Wellness is a broad concept that means being healthy in all dimensions of our lives - physical, emotional, social, environmental, financial, occupational, spiritual and intellectual wellness.  To properly understand wellness and create a balance in our lives, it is important to look into the eight dimensions of wellness and learn how it affects the wellbeing, have time to meditate on what we can do to pursue it. Let’s admit that we do business not only for the sales we generate but eventually want our customers to enjoy their utmost wellness and you be the mediator for it. Your customers will find values and sense of fulfillment each and every visit with our Wellness Meditation.

Seasonal & Need-base meditation sessions (updated as needed)

Holidays, your special occasions for your business, and seasonal event is when you can engage in with your customers, develop and deepen the relationships and connection and share the friendly and special spirits with them. You will yield outcomes that you have never seen before in profit-wise and customer relationships-wise.

Nature sounds, Relaxation music, ASMR

You can turn your customers mood into a peaceful relaxation while they stay in your space. Creating pleasant environment and providing the sense of refreshment from the nature sounds, relaxation music, ASMR and white noises will complete the quality of the  visit with sense of care and deep connections with you. The customers will miss the healing moments that they experienced in your spaces and want to be there again soon.

+ Fully licensed and 100% commercial-free


Know Your Customers


Adults fear needles, anesthesia, pain, etc.


of patients surveyed said listening to music made the visit feel less frightening and were more tolerant while waiting


of customers said silence makes them feel unfriendly and unwelcome


of skin breakouts are from stress


Meditation helps skin healing 4 times faster


of FAANG companies(Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Google) offer meditations for their employees


Re-Vitalize Your Business

Take the Advantage of the Power of Audio Branding

With Customized Beauty Meditation

◉ Create strong brand identity as a Wellness-based service

◉ Meditation is a proven relaxation technique and deep breathing helps ease stress and tension that affects the skin condition

◉ Get on the flow with most trendy Silicon Valley lifestyle

◉ Give your customers the feeling of being welcomed and cared

◉ Help your customers feel at home and trust your service right as they come in

◉ Grow in sales and brand loyalty with positive customer experinece
